5 invisible things you should know about Vitamin C Serum

There’s a reason vitamin C serum for the face is extremely well-known. Vitamin C Serum is a powerful antioxidant with incredible advantages to the skin’s health.

It’s a great way to boost circulation, help brighten your skin, aid in healing damaged skin surfaces, increase collagen production and remove free radicals, thereby preventing the development of wrinkles and fine lines.

The best part is that many dermatologists suggest vitamin C serum for people of all types of skin.

While using a vitamin C serum for the face will certainly take your routine for skincare to the highest level, there’s a bit of doubt about the proper use for these products.

In particular, there’s a little debate in the skincare world regarding whether vitamin C serums should be applied at the beginning of the day, in the evening or both.

Let’s discuss! About the top 5 things, everyone should know about vitamin C serum.

#1. Ingredients

Who can find ingredients variety of vitamin C serum for the face in various products?

Certain types have more stability than others, which means they don’t have the same speed of oxidation as others, and some possess different properties that could be more suitable for specific skin types.

The most well-known and widely used form is Ascorbic Acid (also L-Ascorbic Acid). Be careful not to let the Acid cause you to be hesitant.

The majority of Vitamin C Serums contain Ascorbic Acid with a mild pH of 3.5. You might want to look for less harsh formulas on your skin for those who have susceptible skin.

Be aware that the results you get from these formulations may take longer to observe. If you suffer from dry, aged skin, we suggest looking for moisturizing products containing lipid-soluble vitamin C such as ascorbyl palmitate and tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate.

#2. Oxidization

The most crucial aspect to consider before using the vitamin C serum for the face is that it is more fragile than other serums and is more sensitive to light and air.

That means that when your new product comes in a glass bottle, it is possible to say goodbye to your hard-earned money.

Exposure to light or air can turn your serum into a brown, sticky liquid that will render all skin benefits useless.

So, it would be best if you chose your serum in an air-tight container, either a pump dispenser or glass dropper. Make sure the glass bottles are in color.

#3. Right Concentration

Many different products have a variety of levels in vitamin C.

They generally can range from less than 5 percent to upwards of 30%, and this ingredient may have various effects depending on the concentration.

People with sensitive or dry skin may prefer more minor concentrations, which are around 5 percent less likely to trigger irritation.

However, those with oilier skin or more severe problems with pigmentation can take on higher levels.

But according to SELF-explained in the past, effects start to diminish after 20percent, so there’s no reason to increase the amount beyond the 20% mark.

#4. Start Slowly

Be cautious when adding vitamin C serum for face skincare regimen for healthy and happy skin.

No matter what kind of regimen you follow for your skin, starting slowly as you introduce ingredients into your routine is best.

You can see excellent results when adding vitamin C into your routine three times per week and gradually increasing your daily usage.

Don’t expect to be able to see the results instantly, and it will take some time of consistent use to begin to see changes in the appearance of your skin.

#5. Use SPF

In contrast to retinol or hydroxy acids, vitamin C doesn’t make skin more prone to sunburn.

However, the most potent varieties of vitamin C tend to be susceptible to exposure to light, so the application of vitamin C should be paired with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB application.

The positive side is that when it is layered over sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or higher, vitamin C helps protect the skin from further damage.

Think that it’s a security net that can help fight damages caused by free radicals caused by UV light penetration, despite our best efforts to protect ourselves by using sunscreen.

Other Considerations

#1. pH

The absorption of vitamin C is primarily dependent on the pH of the vitamin.

If you are an ordinary person with skin, choose one that has a pH low of around 3.5 for maximum absorption.

If you are prone to skin irritation, it is recommended to choose a formulation that has a pH range of 5-6. This is your skin’s natural pH and is not as sensitive.

#2. Potency

When selecting the best Vitamin C serum, potency and Acid are crucial.

The majority of brands will state the percent of Vitamin C in the serum. Beware of some serums on the market that don’t list the concentration.

#3. Mixing

Vitamin C is generally safe and well-liked.

However, if you have delicate skin, it may cause a bit of irritation, mainly when you apply it in the same portion of your routines, such as acidic scrubs, exfoliating products or others.

To stay clear, when you use vitamin C, one ingredient you should steer clear of is Benzoyl Peroxide and retinoids, and these ingredients can alter vitamin C’s properties and reduce its effectiveness.

For More Latest Skin Care Updates and Information about Vitamin C Serum, Visit Ehealth Spider.

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