Medication or Surgery? The Best Fix for Baldness

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Hair loss is a major problem among men and women across the world. It happens for several reasons. We all suffer hair loss every day. But we start to feel the problem when the hairs start to fall rapidly and reach the stage of partial or full baldness.

You can see a lot of bald guys around your locality. Baldness is a nightmare for a lot of people who are fond of stylish hairstyles. As a matter of fact, baldness can begin at any age due to active hair loss.

It is caused by a wide number of factors, such as exposure to high and low temperatures, poor ecology, lack of vitamins and other essential nutrients, long-term stress, viral and fungal diseases, hormonal imbalance, etc.

If you are suffering from baldness, you can get rid of it through medication or surgery. Are you confused about which treatment method is best for you?

If yes, then you must go through the below-mentioned write-up. This will help you choose the best option to cure baldness.

Cosmetical Tools

If you are facing partial baldness, then you can use several cosmetic products to prevent further hair loss and recover the hair loss to a great extent. Use good-quality shampoos and balms to strengthen your hair.

Make use of a shampoo that contains the extracts of Aminexil-based products: rosemary, pepper, horse chestnut, mountain arnica, ruscus, ginseng, and anagelin (Neaddress). All these products help you maintain the wellbeing of your hair easily and quickly.

Traditional Medicine

If you are unable to go for expensive medical treatment to cure baldness, there are many folk remedies that can help you a lot in this regard. For instance, mix the tincture of birch leaves with alcohol or vodka and rub it into the scalp for 1-2 months.

It will help you significantly recover your hair. Alternatively, pour the pulp of black bread into boiling water and cool it. Now, rub the mixture into the scalp and wrap it with a towel. Wait for ½ hours and wash it off.

Natural procedures for hair treatment saturate your hair with vitamins and minerals. This method works only for strengthening hair. It is totally ineffective if you are facing violent androgenic baldness.


It is a permanent and effective treatment for baldness. In this process, doctors mask the missing hair with the help of a shallow introduction of pigment into the scalp. As it is a cosmetic procedure, not a medical one, it carries minimal health risks.

You face health-related issues only when there is non-compliance with hygiene rules while applying tattoos or when doctors use poor-quality paint. So, make sure you get in touch with a professional and experienced hair care person to receive this kind of treatment.

Using Wigs and Pads

If you are completely bald, using wigs and pads is perhaps the easiest way to solve the problem. It helps you save lots of hard-earned money spent to treat baldness. Different hair wigs help you to remain attractive and appealing to the opposite sex.

So, you must consult a hair care expert, discuss your needs with him or her, and choose a suitable hair wig to cover your bald head.


You can use this method if a hormonal imbalance is not the cause of the baldness issue. In fact, these are nutritional supplements and balanced proportions that promote hair growth to a certain extent.

They also contain the extracts of medicinal plants, such as panto-vigil, perfexyl, selenzin, nutricap, rinfoltil, etc. Each drug has its own characteristics, so you must consult your doctor before using them. They will strengthen your hair and stop its loss effectively.

Cosmetic Treatment

A number of procedures for cosmetic treatment have been developed to solve the problem of baldness. See some of them, which are mentioned here below:

Laser Therapy

It is performed using a low-frequency laser pulsating beam. During this treatment, a laser pulsating beam hits the surface of the scalp to a depth of 6–8 mm, which contributes to the improvement of blood circulation in the hair and the acceleration of metabolism.

It works very well in the presence of living follicles.


It is another important way to get back the old shine of your hair. During the procedure, the skin of the head is exposed to a certain dose of ultraviolet light or bright light from artificial sources.

For this, you can use fluorescent or dichroic lamps, light-emitting diodes, and lasers. A trichologist makes a decision about the length of the light wave and the time of its exposure.

You can carry out this procedure in medical and cosmetology centers and at home if you have some special equipment.

Hair Transplant Surgery

This is a popular way to get rid of baldness in men and women. In this process, doctors transplant grafts or follicles to the barren areas of the head. Once the treatment is done successfully, hair appears again on the head, even after total hair loss.

To perform the hair transplant surgery, doctors must have experience and patience. Such operations are done in several states to avoid health-related hazards. You can see amazing results after 3–4 months of hair transplantation.


Hair baldness is a setback for all those individuals who are conscious of their overall look and appearance. As mentioned above, there are many ways to stop hair loss, strengthen the follicles, and get back the lost hair.

You can choose any method for the treatment of baldness depending on the characteristics of your body, your needs, and your budget.

Sheetal Goswami is working as a blogger for the Tricity Institute of Plastic Surgery. A famous institute for plastic surgery and hair transplants in Punjab.

She has been blogging for several years about the fusion of medical science. She is a voracious follower of medical achievements and loves to share all about them.

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