5 Health Benefits of Matcha, Green Tea Powder

Why you should take Matcha! Below are some of the health benefits of matcha. Matcha is a form of green tea that has been finely grounded. Unlike normal green tea, it undergoes special growing and processing. Its plants are shade-grown for about three weeks before they are harvested.

Matcha is a green tea made from shade-grown tea leaves ground into a fine powder. The shade-growing process results in higher chlorophyll content, giving matcha its bright green color and unique flavor profile.

Unlike traditional green tea steeped in hot water, matcha is whisked into hot water to make a frothy, flavorful tea. Matcha has become popular in recent years for its numerous health benefits.

Matcha, Green Tea Powder

Matcha, Green Tea PowderIt is high in antioxidants, especially the powerful antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been linked to a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases.

Matcha is also a source of caffeine and theanine, which provide a natural, sustained energy boost without the crash associated with many other forms of caffeine.

Matcha can be used in various ways, including making tea, baking, cooking, and making smoothies. Matcha has a unique, slightly bitter taste that many people enjoy, but it can take some getting used to.

The types of green tea leaves used to make matcha contain more than nine and chlorophyll, which is why it’s shade grown.

During processing, its stems and veins are removed. Since immemorial, this type of tea has been used in tea ceremonies, especially among the Japanese.

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5 Benefits of Matcha, Green Tea Powder

Matcha is used for flavoring and dyeing different foods and drinks in modern society. Most people may not realize that by incorporating matcha in their meals, they get so many health benefits.

Benefits of Matcha, Green Tea Powder

#1. Protects One From Chronic Diseases

Matcha is a hub of antioxidants. Research by Tufts University showed that matcha contains twenty times as many antioxidants as blueberries or pomegranates. You may be wondering what this fuss about antioxidants is all about.

Well, antioxidants are chemical compounds (which occur naturally) that help the body fight against chronic illnesses and aging. When you take sufficient amounts of matcha, you equip your body with a powerful mechanism to fight diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease.

EGCG, a type of polyphenol (antioxidant) found in matcha, has been shown to slow/ halt the growth of cancer cells while at the same time boosting the body’s metabolism. EGCG protects your skin from DNA and cell damage often triggered by environmental factors. Matcha will thus act as a natural skin brightener and protector.

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#2. Helps in Relaxation

In the early days, the Japanese drank matcha during meditation to improve concentration and focus. This way, they could remain calm and alert throughout the sessions. Research done on matcha recently showed that it contains L-Theanine, a rare amino acid that promotes relaxation and well-being in a person.

It does so by controlling the normal functioning of the brain. In matcha, L-Theanine is found in green tea but in greater amounts (five times more). The side effects of caffeine (found in green tea) are counteracted by this amino acid. This way, you stay focused and stress-free and can learn better.

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#3. A Remedy For Weight Loss

First, we have seen that matcha helps reduce stress, a known cause of increased belly fat and appetite. This means that your weight is kept in check.

Another thing is that it helps the body burn times more calories than the normal thermo genesis. According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those who drink match have their calories burning rate improve from 10% to around 40%. Unlike other quick fixes used for weight loss, matcha doesn’t raise blood pressure or heart rate.

Thus, you are guaranteed to lose weight naturally in a healthy manner with no side effects.

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#4. A Perfect Detoxifier

If you want to detoxify your body, matcha might be the way to go. Chlorophyll helps in removing heavy metals and harmful chemicals found in the body. Because matcha contains more chlorophyll than any other green tea, it becomes the most powerful daily detox you should incorporate into your diet.

It will help cleanse any harmful elements found in the body. You can take it first thing in the morning, before taking your breakfast.

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#5. Boosts Energy

Taking matcha in the morning boosts your energy for the rest of the day. The good news is that this energy boost does not come from caffeine but from other numerous properties found in matcha.

It will also help you endure most situations you may encounter daily. Note also that matcha is an arsenal of minerals and vitamins you may not get in most foods you consume. It is thus a great deal for you.

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Matcha tea will come loaded with many health benefits, as mentioned above. However, important to note is that there is a concern that it contains lead (just like other green teas), and thus, its intake should be moderated.

According to ConsumerLab.com, the amount of lead in matcha (especially in China) is thirty times more than that in normal green tea. In this case, ensure you only take a little of this tea.

If you’re new to matcha, start with a lower-grade powder and gradually increase the amount you use to find the best flavor.

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